Sarah’s Story

Graduating from university in 2013, I felt full of ambition but overwhelmed and lost with how to navigate my career path. A decade later, I can sincerely say that I look back at my journey with a smile. The many moments of doubt, fear and anxiety served to empower me and build me into the person I am now; a dynamic businesswoman and proud new mother. 

Believe In Yourself

If I could offer a vital piece of advice to any women who resonate with feeling overwhelmed or intimidated, it would be to remind yourself daily that you are capable and worthy of any career oriented goal you desire. Strengthen your inner resolve by believing in yourself and taking actions every day, whether it be big or small to help achieve your desired business vision.

Looking back, I realise that the consuming overwhelm I felt was mainly due to me having to be my own resource from the groundwork up. I wish I had a mentor or female business figure I could consult to not only build on my business insight but to also help guide me with all the mental aspects. At times I felt completely lost, in both my professional and personal sphere. I was clutching at any good ideas regarding sales avenues and business networks but felt defeated due to my age and the sexism I faced as a young female.

“No two people come from the same background or home life and I also believe that in an ideal world, that should not hinder an individual’s potential.” 

The combination of my disharmony with my career and balancing my personal life took its toll on my mental health and I empathise with anyone who has experienced or is experiencing a similar situation. You can excel at the overarching blueprint that society sets for us via education; GCSE’s, A Levels, university, postgraduate studies, but that is only one type of path for the academically minded. Academia is not a one size fits all and there are so many different gifts and talents that do not fit the stereotypical educational path but deserve the same level of nurturing. No two people come from the same background or home life and I also believe that in an ideal world, that should not hinder an individual’s potential. 

So, alongside my long term goal of building Claritee, I want to help women in business and be the figure that younger me would have benefited from. In the near future, I want to mentor and coach like minded women, in the hope that I can assist their career ambitions physically and mentally. Now that I am a mother to a happy, healthy little boy, I face the new challenge of balancing my career with motherhood. Another topic that I feel is incredibly important in relation to mental health as so many working women lack the support and help they need. 

I can sincerely say that I am so grateful for where my life has taken me and the destination I am currently at. In the coming weeks I will be sharing more information on my journey and look forward to developing the Claritee community.

For more information about how Claritee can help you or your business. Please get in touch today.


Alex’s Story